Yuki Onoe
April 18, 2022
Support Vector Machine-Recursive Feature Elimination (SVM-RFE) is a technology which can be used to find relevant patterns in a large data set such as the data generated in the sequencing of genomes and produce smaller subsets. In Health Discovery Corp. v. Intel Corp.[1], the patent owner HDC, in its complaint for infringement, discussed the innovative aspects of the technology:<... Read more
Yuki Onoe
August 2, 2021
On July 15, a team of scientists published a Nature article, titled “Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold.”[1] The article describes how the neural network model developed by Google’s DeepMind can predict protein structures “with atomic accuracy even where no similar structure is known.”[2] In addition, DeepMind has now open-sourced the code for AlphaFold 2, allowing further collaborations for even more accurate protein structure prediction.<... Read more
Yuki Onoe
February 10, 2021
As a follow-up to the previous post on AI Initiatives at the EPO, we provide an update on the activities by the JPO – 1) creation of a new Team for Supporting AI Examinations in January 2021, and 2) a recent publication of a PCT application, titled Management System And Management Method, filed by JAPAN AS REPRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER OF THE JAPAN PATENT OFFICE.<... Read more